259 research outputs found

    Overview of the JWST Program

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a large aperture (6.5 meter), cryogenic space telescope with a suite of near and mid-infrared instruments covering the wavelength range of 0.6 micron to 28 micron. JWST's primary science goal is to detect and characterize the first galaxies. It will also study the assembly of galaxies, star formation, and the formation of evolution of planetary systems. We will review the expected scientific performance of the observatory, and recent technical progress with the observatory and its complement of instruments

    Fomalhaut's Debris Disk and Planet: Constraining the Mass of Formalhaut B from Disk Morphology

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    Following the optical imaging of exoplanet candidate Fomalhaut b (Fom b), we present a numerical model of how Fomalhaut's debris disk is gravitationally shaped by a single interior planet. The model is simple, adaptable to other debris disks, and can be extended to accommodate multiple planets. If Fom b is the dominant perturber of the belt, then to produce the observed disk morphology it must have a mass M(sub pl) 101.5AU, and an orbital eccentricity e(sub pl) = 0.11 - 0.13. These conclusions are independent of Fom b's photometry. To not disrupt the disk, a greater mass for Fom b demands a smaller orbit farther removed from the disk; thus, future astrometric measurement of Fom b's orbit, combined with our model of planet-disk interaction, can be used to determine the mass more precisely. The inner edge of the debris disk at a approximately equals 133AU lies at the periphery of Fom b's chaotic zone, and the mean disk eccentricity of e approximately equals 0.11 is secularly forced by the planet, supporting predictions made prior to the discovery of Fom b. However, previous mass constraints based on disk morphology rely on several oversimplifications. We explain why our constraint is more reliable. It is based on a global model of the disk that is not restricted to the planet's chaotic zone boundary. Moreover, we screen disk parent bodies for dynamical stability over the system age of approximately 100 Myr, and model them separately from their dust grain progeny; the latter's orbits are strongly affected by radiation pressure and their lifetimes are limited to approximately 0.1 Myr by destructive grain-grain collisions. The single planet model predicts that planet and disk orbits be apsidally aligned. Fomalhaut b's nominal space velocity does not bear this out, but the astrometric uncertainties are difficult to quantify. Even if the apsidal misalignment proves real, our calculated upper mass limit of 3 M(sub J) still holds. Parent bodies are evacuated from mean-motion resonances with Fom b; these empty resonances are akin to the Kirkwood gaps opened by Jupiter. The belt contains at least 3M(sub Earth) of solids that are grinding down to dust, their velocity dispersions stirred so strongly by Fom b that collisions are destructive. Such a large mass in solids is consistent with Fom b having formed in situ

    The Low End of the Initial Mass Function in Young LMC Clusters: I. The Case of R136

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    We report the result of a study in which we have used very deep broadband V and I WFPC2 images of the R136 cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud from the HST archive, to sample the luminosity function below the detection limit of 2.8 Mo previously reached. In these new deeper images, we detect stars down to a limiting magnitude of m_F555W = 24.7 (~ 1 magnitude deeper than previous works), and identify a population of red stars evenly distributed in the surrounding of the R136 cluster. A comparison of our color-magnitude diagram with recentely computed evolutionary tracks indicates that these red objects are pre-main sequence stars in the mass range 0.6 - 3 Mo. We construct the initial mass function (IMF) in the 1.35 - 6.5 Mo range and find that, after correcting for incompleteness, the IMF shows a definite flattening below ~ 2 Mo. We discuss the implications of this result for the R136 cluster and for our understanding of starburst galaxies formation and evolution in general.Comment: 29 pages, 6 tables, 11 figures included + 3 external files, accepted for publication by Ap.

    Discovery and Characterization of Transiting SuperEarths Using an All-Sky Transit Survey and Follow-up by the James Webb Space Telescope

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    Doppler and transit surveys are finding extrasolar planets of ever smaller mass and radius, and are now sampling the domain of superEarths (1-3 Earth radii). Recent results from the Doppler surveys suggest that discovery of a transiting superEarth in the habitable zone of a lower main sequence star may be possible. We evaluate the prospects for an all-sky transit survey targeted to the brightest stars, that would find the most favorable cases for photometric and spectroscopic characterization using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We use the proposed Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) as representative of an all-sky survey. We couple the simulated TESS yield to a sensitivity model for the MIRI and NIRSpec instruments on JWST. We focus on the TESS planets with radii between Earth and Neptune. Our simulations consider secondary eclipse filter photometry using JWST/MIRI, comparing the 11- and 15-micron bands to measure CO2 absorption in superEarths, as well as JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy of water absorption from 1.7-3.0 microns, and CO2 absorption at 4.3-microns. We project that TESS will discover about eight nearby habitable transiting superEarths. The principal sources of uncertainty in the prospects for JWST characterization of habitable superEarths are superEarth frequency and the nature of superEarth atmospheres. Based on our estimates of these uncertainties, we project that JWST will be able to measure the temperature, and identify molecular absorptions (water, CO2) in one to four nearby habitable TESS superEarths.Comment: accepted for PASP; added discussion and figure for habitable planets; abridged Abstrac

    High speed quadrant CCDs for adaptive optics

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    The Johns Hopkins University is developing an adaptive optics coronagraph for the study of circumstellar material at high resolution. The first generation instrument corrects for image motion, i.e., wavefront tilt, using an image motion sensor coupled to a high speed tip/tilt mirror. The image motion sensor is built around a quadrant CCD which detects offsets from the null position. The performance of this device and present results demonstrating its operation in the laboratory are discussed

    Phase light curves for extrasolar Jupiters and Saturns

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    We predict how a remote observer would see the brightness variations of giant planets similar to Jupiter and Saturn as they orbit their central stars. We model the geometry of Jupiter, Saturn and Saturn's rings for varying orbital and viewing parameters. Scattering properties for the planets and rings at wavelenghts 0.6-0.7 microns follow Pioneer and Voyager observations, namely, planets are forward scattering and rings are backward scattering. Images of the planet with or without rings are simulated and used to calculate the disk-averaged luminosity varying along the orbit, that is, a light curve is generated. We find that the different scattering properties of Jupiter and Saturn (without rings) make a substantial difference in the shape of their light curves. Saturn-size rings increase the apparent luminosity of the planet by a factor of 2-3 for a wide range of geometries. Rings produce asymmetric light curves that are distinct from the light curve of the planet without rings. If radial velocity data are available for the planet, the effect of the ring on the light curve can be distinguished from effects due to orbital eccentricity. Non-ringed planets on eccentric orbits produce light curves with maxima shifted relative to the position of the maximum planet's phase. Given radial velocity data, the amount of the shift restricts the planet's unknown orbital inclination and therefore its mass. Combination of radial velocity data and a light curve for a non-ringed planet on an eccentric orbit can also be used to constrain the surface scattering properties of the planet. To summarize our results for the detectability of exoplanets in reflected light, we present a chart of light curve amplitudes of non-ringed planets for different eccentricities, inclinations, and the viewing azimuthal angles of the observer.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Ap.

    The shape of the Red Giant Branch Bump as a diagnostic of partial mixing processes in low-mass stars

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    We suggest to use the shape of the Red Giant Branch (RGB) Bump in metal-rich globular clusters as a diagnostic of partial mixing processes between the base of the convective envelope and the H-burning shell. The Bump located along the differential luminosity function of cluster RGB stars is a key observable to constrain the H-profile inside these structures. In fact, standard evolutionary models that account for complete mixing in the convective unstable layers and radiative equilibrium in the innermost regions do predict that the first dredge-up lefts over a very sharp H-discontinuity at the bottom of the convective region. Interestingly enough we found that both atomic diffusion and a moderate convective overshooting at the base of the convective region marginally affects the shape of the RGB Bump in the differential Luminosity Function (LF). As a consequence, we performed several numerical experiments to estimate whether plausible assumptions concerning the smoothing of the H-discontinuity, due to the possible occurrence of extra-mixing below the convective boundary, affects the shape of the RGB Bump. We found that the difference between the shape of RGB Bump predicted by standard and by smoothed models can be detected if the H-discontinuity is smoothed over an envelope region whose thickness is equal or larger than 0.5 pressure scale heights. Finally, we briefly discuss the comparison between theoretical predictions and empirical data in metal-rich, reddening free Galactic Globular Clusters (GGCs) to constrain the sharpness of the H-profile inside RGB stars.Comment: 15 pages, 8 postscript figures, ApJ in pres